Agency Director
Dana Nalbandian
Interim Agency Director & Staff Accountant
Linda Cestero
Office Administrator
Alara Bedka
Marketing & IT Administrator
Dora Celestino
Community Educator
Michele Franks
SDCC Coordinator
Andrea Cucci
NDCC Coordinator
SDCC Youth Coordinator
Kristin Pineiro
Peer Recovery Specialist
Victim Impact Panel Coordinator
Peer Recovery Specialist
Raymond Drogan
Prevention Counselor
Millbrook Middle & HS
Antonio Cintron
Prevention Counselor
John Jay HS
Michele Blades
Prevention Counselor
Roy C. Ketcham HS
Victoria Urquia
Prevention Counselor
Wappingers JHS
Kayla Montalbo
Prevention Counselor
Red Hook HS & Dutchess BOCES
Prevention Counselor
Van Wyck JHS
Prevention Counselor
Arlington HS
Daysia Balles
Clubhouse Coordinator
Generation Hope Youth Clubhouse
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