To prevent the problems associated with substance use and alcoholism, especially for minors and other vulnerable populations, and the effects on individuals, families, and communities.
Organization History:
The creation of the Prevention Foundation of the Mid-Hudson Valley (PFMHV) was an outgrowth of the strategic planning process for the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education of Dutchess County, Inc. (CAPE). This was facilitated during 2008-2009 by the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) and underwritten by a capacity-building grant from the Dyson Foundation. The strategic plan covered the time frame from 2009-2012 and was later updated in 2016.
The PFMHV was formally created and incorporated in 2011 and received its charitable 501(c)3 status in 2013. Its primary purpose is to provide financial support to prevention programming and policy, with particular emphasis on risks associated with the use/misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) as well as programming support for The Marathon Project.
Since its formation, the PFMHV has been building capacity to assist the Council with growing prevention needs in Dutchess County. The agency has a full complement of board members directing this effort.
What We Do:
Annual Awareness Events
PFMHV hosts several annual awareness events in the local community, including our “Lifting the Mask” Anniversary Celebration and our Starry Night candlelight ceremony. These events bring people together in an open conversation about substance use disorder (addiction), with the goal of reducing stigma and increasing awareness of the prevention programs and recovery resources that are available in Dutchess County.
Grant Program & Support of The Marathon Project
PFMHV grants to other organizations in the community, in support of our mission to help prevent problems associated with substance use and protect minors and other vulnerable populations. We also provide programming support for The Marathon Project (a program by CAPE of Dutchess County). The Marathon Project is an after-school, long-distance running program that pairs adult mentors with at-risk youth in participating school districts in the Hudson Valley. The goal is to reduce risk factors for childhood obesity, school dropout, and substance use.
What can you do to help our cause?
Help spread awareness about substance use disorder (addiction).
Attend our annual events and be a part of the conversation.
Learn how language plays a key role in reducing stigma.
Be aware of the prevention & recovery resources in our area.
Share your story with us – lend your voice to the cause.
Donate to our cause, and your tax-deductible gift will support our prevention efforts in the Dutchess County community…
Have questions about the foundation?